In-School Enrichment
In keeping with our philosophy of educating the whole child, the following enrichment programs are included in our school-wide curriculum for most grades.
Resurrection School offers Spanish to all students in Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade twice per week.
Our TK-5th grade program is provided by IES and focuses on students learning basic knowledge of the language through music, vocabulary, and repetition.
Our 6th-8th grade students are taught by our own staff member, Mrs. Markley, and practice a more advanced curriculum that focuses on the verbal and written language.
Several of our students test right into Spanish 2 when they enter high school.
Once per week, our Music Teacher spends time with students in TK through 5th grade working on choral music and absorbing music of different time periods.
A wonderful Christmas concert is put on by the students in all grades for our families to enjoy.
Every Wednesday, Principal Wright meets with our upper grades (6th-8th) to teach a 45-minute Life Skills course in our Farana Center.
Life Skills teaches students certain social skills that are not necessarily covered in the classroom, like solving disagreements, building interpersonal relationships, and practicing appropriate behavior in a professional setting.
In addition, this weekly class invites guest speakers to expose students to various career paths.
Guests have included police officers, local librarians, school alumni, and even Sunnyvale’s Mayor Larry Klein!
Every year, our 6th grade class travels to Saratoga and attends Walden West Science Camp, with the trip funded largely by donations from our parish’s Italian Catholic Federation.
For one entire school week, our 6th grade students and some staff bunk in cabins and participate in fun and educational activities.
From community building to studying nature, this camp is an incredible opportunity for students to engage with their classmates while experiencing some time away from home.
Through the efforts of the PTG, fundraising dollars are used to support the school’s Art program.
The Community School of Music and Arts is contracted to provide biweekly art classes to students in TK through 8th grade.
All are invited to see student art at the Art Show during Catholic Schools Week in January.
Twice per week, all students in Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade participate in P.E.
Students develop skills and knowledge about different sports, learn about healthy eating habits, how to best take care of themselves and what unhealthy habits to avoid.
P.E. is taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On those days students come to school dressed in their P.E. uniforms and remain in that uniform for the school day.
All students in Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade attend Library once per week and have the opportunity to check out books to bring back to their classroom or home.
Research skills, study skills, and the joy of reading are all imparted during library time.
For upper grade students, the library is open during recess.
Every year, our staff’s goal is to provide at least two all-school field trips and two grade-specific field trips per class.
Recent and recurring grade-specific field trips have included Mission San Juan Bautista, De Anza’s Fujitsu Planetarium, and plays at the San Jose Children’s Musical Theater.
All-school field trips have included San Jose’s Christmas in the Park and Hiller Aviation Museum.