Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

The primary responsibility for Resurrection School’s Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is to foster the relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers may cooperate in the development of the whole child. The PTG hosts several social events a year and 4 major fundraisers, all designed to bring families together to build community and to support the school.

Why Do We Fundraise?

The true cost to educate a child at most schools exceeds the tuition rate in private schools or what the state provides on a per student basis in the public schools. As a result, parents are stepping in to fill the void in an effort to keep tuition rates affordable for all families of our community. Every family is asked to fundraise $600 through our fundraising programs.

Major 4 Fundraisers

More than 75% of PTG fundraising proceeds go directly to the school to help offset operating expenses and minimize tuition increases. The remaining funds are used for facility improvements, enrichment programs and classroom activities.

Our four major fundraisers account for approximately 90% of our PTG budget. Resurrection School families have several fundraisers they may choose to participate in to meet their $600 family fundraising requirement.

Holiday Sale: 50% of the profit is applied towards your family fundraising requirement

Walk-A-Fun: 100% of all profit is applied towards your family fundraising requirement

Scrip: 1.5-25% of electronic scrip based upon the merchant is applied towards your family fundraising requirement

Spring Fundraiser: 75% of the purchase price of the item donated, 
75% of all purchases, and 
100% of sponsorships are applied towards your family fundraising requirement

Social Events

Our social events are meant to foster a sense of community and fun for Resurrection School and parish. Family participation in the social events is optional. The social events usually contribute a small amount to the overall PTG budget.

Annual PTG Events:

Ice Cream Social - August (Social Event)

First Day of School Coffee & Donut Welcome for Parents - August (Social Event)

Back to School BBQ - September (Social Event)

Holiday Sale Fundraiser - September-October (Major 4 Fundraiser)

Walk-A-Fun - September (Major 4 Fundraiser)

Trunk or Treat - October (Social Event)

Spring Fundraiser - April (Major 4 Fundraiser)

Teacher Appreciation Week - May (School Event)

Scrip Program - Year round (Major 4 Fundraiser)


Community is one of Resurrection School’s biggest strengths. Whether it’s helping with a social event, chairing a fundraiser, serving hot lunch, helping out those in need, shelving books in the library, or donating supplies to one of our social events – it all adds up to being part of our community.

Families are asked to volunteer 15 or 20 hours per year to support the school. All new families and single-parent families are given a reduced requirement.

These volunteer hours are made to work with any parent schedule. Parents that are available during the work day can assist with hot lunch pickup, recess duty, or classroom activities. For parents working full time, we have numerous volunteer opportunities for events outside of the school day, including open houses, fundraisers, and holiday celebrations.

Parents looking for volunteer opportunities can also join one of our various school committees. Each committee generally meets monthly or bimonthly outside of school hours, and is a great way to consistently get many volunteer hours done. Meetings and event preparation and organization are all counted toward a parent’s volunteer requirement.