Students in uniforms - Resurrection School - Sunnyvale


Our Academics

Every aspect of our curriculum reflects our Catholic identity. Our curriculum decisions are based on the philosophy of the school, our mission, and our Student Learning Expectations. Teachers and parents work together to build a strong sense of community, which fosters the sense of enrichment for which we strive in our students’ lives. A continuum of learning is built throughout a curriculum that has, at its core, the consistent teaching of skills and concepts throughout the grades. Students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding of each subject area from year to year, using textbooks that are sequential and progressive. Integrated curricular areas, such as family life, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and decision- making skills, follow this same cyclical development.

The ongoing articulation among teachers, support staff, and administration ensures that our students are continually receiving a faith- filled, relevant, and effective education. The California State Standards and the Diocesan Outcomes drive our planning in each subject area. We provide a curriculum that challenges and strengthens each student’s level of achievement, constantly working towards fulfilling our philosophy of developing young people who recognize God’s given gifts and talents in themselves and others, and who continually strive to enhance and utilize these gifts for the benefit of all.

Report Cards

Each student will receive a report card at the end of each grading period (we are on a trimester system) giving the grades for each subject in the curriculum.

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll is established for students in grades 6 – 8 to give recognition for scholastic achievement accompanied by good behavior, conduct and effort during the grading period. Awards will be given at the end of each trimester.

To be on the Principal’s Honor Roll, the student must earn straight A’s in all subjects and have excellent Homework, Conduct and Effort grades. To receive First Honors, the student must earn at least an A- average with a grade of B (or above) for Homework, Conduct and Effort, and any non-academic subjects. There can be no D or F grades on the report card.

The following table, using diocesan criteria, is used to compute the grade average:

A = 4.0
A- = 3.66
B+ = 3.33
B = 3.0
B- = 2.66
C+ = 2.33
C = 2.0
C- = 1.66
D+ = 1.33
D = 1.0
D- = 0.66
F = 0.0

Principal’s Honors: 4.0 average

First Honors: 3.7 – 3.99 average

Second Honors: 3.5 – 3.69 average

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

The education of our children is a joint responsibility of both parent and teacher, who must coordinate their efforts so that the necessary cooperation and understanding are expended in the student’s development.

To this end, a week of parent-teacher-student conferences are scheduled at the end of the first report-card period to review the progress of the student, and to answer any questions there might be about the class curriculum in general.