The History of Our School

The property for the Parish of the Resurrection, located in Sunnyvale, CA, was purchased in 1954, by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Father Nicholas Farana was appointed the founding pastor in 1963. From the beginning, the parish’s strong commitment to the school was evident, as the first building erected on the site was a school building serving first through fourth grades.

The school opened in September, 1965, with 157 students. Three sisters from the order of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, and one lay person staffed the school. In 1984, a Kindergarten program was added and, in 1985, our Extended Care Program was included in the overall program. Three years later a Summer program and a Junior Kindergarten program was established, making us now one of the more experienced Junior Kindergarten programs in the area. Ahead of its time, our Kindergarten program was extended in 1995 to an all-day program providing our children a broader education in a better-paced environment.

It became clear in the mid-nineties that the school and parish were outgrowing the facilities and, additionally, our curriculum was changing to meet the challenging needs of technology and science so prevalent in this valley. An extensive study by the parish and school resulted in a capital campaign for a new school building. Bishop Patrick McGrath dedicated our new school building, in memory of Father Nicholas Farana, in May, 2001. With the generosity of our parishioners and school families, this building houses a state-of-the-art science lab, a library, a Kindergarten classroom, and a music/art room.

In 2008, the school once again reviewed the facility needs and determined that our advanced mathematics curriculum needed a separate classroom. A Spanish classroom was constructed on the school grounds near the junior high grades to support 6th – 8th grade Spanish.

Since 2011 the school has been led by our Principal, Mrs. Jacque Wright. For more information call the school for a personal tour, or visit us during one of our Open House dates in November and January of each year.