Catholic School - Resurrection School - Sunnyvale


Our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs)


The P.E.A.C.E. Schoolwide Learning Expectations at Resurrection are a framework for our students so they are aware of what is expected of them on the road to graduation. The teachers follow these guidelines from junior kindergarten through eighth grade to ensure that each graduating student will meet these goals.

Our P.E.A.C.E. Schoolwide Learning Expectations are derived from the belief that our students should be aware of themselves, and as individuals within a caring community. Resurrection School students are taught to be members of many groups. This includes their own family, Resurrection School and parish, local, national and the global communities. In order to be an effective member of each community, it is important that each student be faith-filled, a lifelong learner, a well-rounded individual and a responsible citizen.

A Resurrection School Student is a:

Peaceful, Faith-filled Student who…

  • Actively engages in faith through prayer, scripture, worship, or the sacraments
  • Makes connections between gospel teachings and their own life choices
  • Treats others with dignity and respect, accepting religious, social, and ethnic differences

Educationally-prepared, Lifelong Learner who…

  • Demonstrates critical thinking, creative problem solving, and intellectual curiosity
  • Develops study habits and organization skills that contribute to lifelong academic success
  • Communicates effectively by listening, speaking, and expressing ideas in various forms

Advocate for Justice who…

  • Applies the teachings of social justice and solidarity through service projects and supporting others
  • Demonstrates life skills of honesty, compassion, confidence, and courage
  • Accepts responsibility for his/her own actions

Community-minded, Responsible Citizen who…

  • Develops the characteristics of good citizenship and is a productive member of their community
  • Spends time giving back to the community through service opportunities and peaceful actions
  • Understands the structures of community and government so that they can use their voice to contribute to a peaceful society

Earth Protector who…

  • Cares for the environment
  • Understands the environmental impact of choices we make on our community and the Earth
  • Knows and exhibits ways to care for the Earth, such as recycling, using sustainable practices, reusing items, and conserving resources


Pledge of Peace

As a legacy and gift to the children
who will be born and live on this planet Earth,
I hereby commit myself to fostering peace.

I promise to do everything
I can to help create a common future
of peace for all human beings.