Student Life - Buddy Program - Resurrection School - Sunnyvale

Buddy Program

At Resurrection School, an active and thriving “buddy” program is in place where older students are buddies to the younger students.  At the beginning of each school year, a ceremony serves as an opportunity for buddies to promise to listen and care for one another.  The “buddy” program builds a wonderful respect for one another.  The respect for diversity is one of the outgrowths of the “buddy” program.  Students care for one another, regardless of their background.  Children celebrate who they are just the way the God has made them.  The staff has worked diligently to deal with any type of bullying that may arise and the “buddy” program helps to minimize any difficulties.

Buddy classes get together on a regular basis to provide an opportunity for the students to interact and mentor each other.  Older students are responsible for their younger buddies at our weekly Mass, on field trips, and during special occasions.   Our buddy program culminates in the annual “Buddy Mass’, held on the last day of school for our 8th grade students.  Their first grade buddies are the prayer leaders at Mass, and provide a glimpse in their own words and projected pictures as to what the buddy relationship has meant to them.  It is a treasured moment for so many graduates and their families.